A Space Industrial Complex?

Arthur Woods / 05-10-2016

Resident artist Arthur Woods describes the data stream that is being transmitted by the GEO-Political Observatory. In its first week of operations, more than 40 items of Geopolitical interest have been received in a number of areas.

It appears the situation on Earth is becoming more tense as the geopolitical and war developments outnumber the more positive developments. Arthur highlights one of these items published by investigative journalist James Corbett which examines the "REAL cost of the of Terror". A CNN report mentions that we need the profits that the military industries provide so that the economy and jobs can be maintained.

Arthur mentions that there are many space solutions to terrestrial problems and one of these would be to transform the Military Industrial Complex into the Space Industrial Complex as this would help humanity to create a Space Age instead of a Stone Age.

The Corbett Report - http://corbettreport.com

The GEO-Political Observatory

The Overview Effect by Frank White

Ludwig von Mises
LewRockwell.com: Another Nail in the Neocon Coffin by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.


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