The Meaning of Art
Arthur Woods / 15-02-2017
Resident artist Arthur Woods discusses why art is important to society and if we lose faith in our leaders and institutions "art" still gives us some hope. He quotes from the book "The Meaning of Art" by the British art historian Herbert Read who believes that believes that art is so much more significant than economics or philosophy in that art is the direct measure of humanity’s spiritual vision. How does this apply to Greater.Earth? "Let's make Earth an artwork."
A quick look at our GEO-Political Observatory shows that 2017 has gotten off to that “uncertain” start that I mentioned earlier this year.
For those of who are fortunate to be living in affluent societies and communities and have not been directly touched by recent events, we have all become more aware of what is going on around us – especially when violence and chaos strikes closer and closer to home.
I believe everyone is being affected whether we realize it or not , and mankind’s business as usual approach is no longer a reliable strategy that we can count on.
Living in the most remarkable period of civilization that humanity has ever experienced, it is hard to imagine that conditions in society could radically change and change quickly.
Yet, when the superpowers creep closer and closer to confrontations, when global financial interests experiment with everyone’s well-being and future,
when our governments take overt actions to limit freedoms, especially the freedom of speech and dissent, it is hard to be overly optimistic about the future.
And, even though there have been some remarkable technological developments that are contributing to raising the state of society, they seem in some ways insignificant against the backdrop of the coming conflict, chaos and repression.
As I mentioned in an earlier communication, and I truly believe this, if we lose faith in our institutions, and in our leaders and in our governments where do we turn and what do we do?
I also believe, that as long as we have art, we still have a chance.
Now, I am sure this statement may seem strange and indeed very idealistic to many of you, after all art has been “commoditized” to a large extent by the same elite sectors of our society that are behind much of the turmoil.
Consequently art’s important role in society is today less appreciated than in previous times. However, throughout history, art has played a significant role in human affairs. And it is now up to artists to help us get through these chaotic times that we have entered.
So, I would like to share another quote by the British art historian Sir Herbert Read.
He writes in his book “The Meaning of Art” and I must paraphrase:
“The real function of art is to express feeling and to transmit understanding. The ancient Greeks realized this as when Aristotle said that the purpose of drama is to purge our emotions.
What we find in a genuine work of art, is not an excitation of our emotions, but peace, repose and equanimity.
An artwork arouses certain physical reactions inside us when we become conscious of qualities such as rhythm, harmony and unity – yet these qualities do not agitate our nerves but rather sooth them. “
"..our contemplation of the artwork results in an emotional experience, which is not necessarily the same emotion that the artist experienced personally when he created the artwork
but rather an understanding that the artist was able to use their special talents to put these qualities together in a way that conveys a message – a message that may even take the heat out of our emotional problems. “
Considering this important aspect, if our leaders, institutions and governments are failing us then the real status of art in our society becomes clear.
On this point, Read reminds us that the ancient Greeks were wiser than we are today, in their belief that “beauty” is moral goodness – which, for him is a very simple truth.
For Read the only sin is “ugliness” and that if we truly believe this, then all other activities of the human spirit would take of themselves.
As such, Read believes that art is so much more significant than economics or even philosophy in that art is the direct measure of humanity’s spiritual vision.
So how does this fit in with the Greater Earth concept?
Why is it an art intervention, and what is its purpose?
As Earth is the only outpost of life in the universe that we know our planet is already a special place and we are lucky to be a part of its living system. Without Earth’s unique cosmic characteristics we would not be here, contemplating our place and purpose in the Cosmos.
But, knowing that life is apparently a rare and precious development, our responsibility as the dominant species on the planet is to take care of our precious cosmic home.
If we understand and embrace that awareness, the result should be that we will make Earth a greater place to live and to cherish.
Looking around our immediate cosmos, we have come to realize the Earth is the most beautiful planet that we have so far discovered because it is alive and life is actually everything.
Let us become overwhelmed by its beauty and try to think of our home planet as a work of art – work of art in progress and, let’s work together to make it even more beautiful.
If we do so responsibly, life from Earth may survive the uncertain times ahead and hopefully it will survive indefinitely.
On that note: I have made a new fine art print which you can find in the ArtFunding section.
It is simply the word Earth written like this: eARTh.
Let's make Earth an artwork.
We are all artists. Terra Artists.
This has been communication 17-003
Thanks for watching